What are the shipping fees at HELMBROOK?
We offer free standard shipping worldwide.

How will I know if my order has been shipped?
Once your order is shipped, we will send you an email containing your tracking number and a link to track your order online.

Is international shipping available?
Yes, international shipping is available worldwide. Please note that most international shipments may be subject to various taxes, fees, or duties.

When will my order be shipped?
All orders are processed within 8-10 business days after the order is confirmed and payment is received. Please note that for expedited shipping, processing of your order for shipment will take 2-3 days. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information.


Why should you create an account?
Creating an account on the Helmbrook website will allow you to take advantage of the 1-year extended warranty we offer to our registered customers.


Is it safe to place an order online?
Helmbrook is a Shopify-based website that offers Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on every transaction to ensure the security of each order.

Will I be charged immediately on my credit card?
Yes, the charge will be made to your credit card once your order is completed. After entering your credit card information on the final review page, you will receive an order confirmation number. Additionally, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of your order. We will send another email to notify you when your order has been shipped and when the payment is processed on your credit card.

What payment options are available?
We accept Shopify Pay, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

If I send my package as a gift, will the recipient receive the invoice?
Please indicate in the Special Requests section that your order is a gift. This will signal us to remove any price tags from the items in your shipment. All orders come with a packing slip that lists what is packaged, but packing slips do not include any amounts.